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UKV Úvod do kognitívnych a neurálnych vied / Intro to cognitive and neural science (Bc.)
MTL Matlab a neurokognícia / Matlab and neurocognition (Bc.)
VKN Výpočtová a kognitívna neuroveda / Coputational and cognitive neuroscience (MSc.)
UIKV Umelá inteligencia a kognitívna veda / Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (MSc.)
Neurokognícia / Neurocognition (PhD.)

Všetky predmety ponúkané v slovenčine a angličtine / All classes offered in Slovak and English.

Bachelor’s projects, Diploma projects and open positions


Úvod do kognitívnych vied / Introduction to cognitive sciences
CN520 Principles & Methods of Cognitive and Neural Modeling II (Boston University)
KUI337 Intro to Cognitive Sciences (in Slovak, at TU Kosice)
Artificial Intelligence (in Slovak, at TU Kosice)

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