prejsť na slovenčinu / predmet UNV
AICS: Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
UIKV: Umelá inteligencia a kognitívne vedy
Ústav informatiky, Prírodovedecká fakulta
UPJŠ Košice
Summer semester 2025
Lecturer: Norbert Kopčo,, Jesenná 5, room T2.16, tel. 234 2450
Teaching assistants: Yeganeh, Jesenná 5, PCL lab (2nd floor).
Lectures: Mondays 13:30-165:00 in SJ0S15 via skype
Labs/Cvičenia: no labs are scheduled. the labs will be in the form of individual consultations (upon request).
NEWS AND UPDATES (for old updates, scroll to the end of page)
2025/2/8 Welcome to the new semester and the AI & Cog Sci class.
For various reasons (mainly since I originally had external speakers to cover AI topics that are unable to present their lectures) the class will be focused on Cognitive Science and you will have an opportunity to work on AI topics individually as part of your project within the class. Also, the class is scheduled for 9 weeks because of shortened semester for 2nd year MSc students. So, there are fewer lectures.
– there will be 7 lectures focused on Cognitive Science (it will be a selection of the Computational & Cognitive Neuroscience lectures (VKN1) lectures from – the web also has a Slovak version),
– there will be 2 IN PERSON written exams (midterm and final) scheduled for the weeks 8 and 14 (covering the material in the lectures for the first and second half of the semester)
– there are no labs (cvicenia) for AICS, so we will skip the UNV/VKN1 assignments (but, if you want to work on them individually, that is encouraged – as one option of your project)
– you will individually work on one project during the semester. The project options are described below in the section Projects.
– let us know whether you will be joining the class in person (i.e., in a classroom with the teaching assistant, who will broadcast me via skype) or individually via skype. The first option is preferred, also because there will be several in-person lectures when I’m in Kosice again in March, April, and May.
The lectures will be in Slovak (or English, if you prefer). Your projects will have to be in handed in in English so that Yeganeh, your teaching assistant, can grade them. You can write your exam in Slovak. You can always write / ask in Slovak.
– Attendance: Attendance at the lectures will be monitored and it will constitute a part of your final grade.
– Lecture 1 is now available below. Also, see the readings for the lecture. It might be that the lecture will be shorter because I have an unforeseen conflict.
Class contents
Overview of the anatomy, physiology and cognitive processes in the human brain and mind. Description of neural centers and mechanisms underlying some cortical functions (e.g., visual, auditory and sensorimotor cortex, learning and memory). Basic physiological, psychophysical and computational methods used in cognitive neuroscience with emphasis on the application of computational methods in neurophysiological measurements and in the imaging of brain activity (e.g. magnetic resonance). Technical applications of neurocognitive research.
Class contents
Overview of the anatomy, physiology and cognitive processes in the human brain and mind. Description of neural centers and mechanisms underlying some cortical functions (e.g., visual, auditory and sensorimotor cortex, learning and memory). Basic physiological, psychophysical and
– basics of biology, chemistry, physics
– linear algebra and differential equations
– knowledge of MATLAB or OCTAVE or willingness to learn
Class philosophy and student’s work
The 2021 edition of the class will cover cognitive science lectures from the Intro to Neuroscience class + individual student work in AI. It will be shortened to 9 weeks.
The emphasis will be on individual work during the semester. Attendance at lectures is very important (and will be monitored using an attendance sheet). During the semester there will be two compulsory written exams, one in the middle (midterm exam) and one at the end of the semester (final exam). Another requirement is to work on a project (essay, model, small experiment, AI project). Based on the points obtained by a student for the project and written exams, a final overall grade will be proposed after the final exam on the final week of classes. Those who want to improve their grade will have an opportunity to sign up for an additional exam (assuming they passed the course / ak dostali zápočet).
Contribution of the individual tasks to the final grade:
– active participation at the lectures 10%
– project 20%
– midterm exam 35%
– final exam 35%
– extra: 5% of the grade can be earned by the participation on the experiments in the Laboratory of perception and cognition. We will keep you informed about the options.
Penalty in grading and ethics
The number of points earned for projects is reduced by 20% of the maximum value for the project with each week of delay (i.e., you do not have to bother at all after 5 weeks). Delay begins to count on the day following the labs during which the project was supposed to be submitted. Each project, and essay should reflect the work and knowledge of the person who is stated as the author.
(some texts are available in the electronic form in this folder, accessible with the password mentioned at the lecture)
Primary source of information are the PDF slides of lectures and the book (in Slovak)
Kopčo Norbert (2011) Výpočtová neuroveda (Úvod do modelovania neurofyziologických a behaviorálnych dát), Vydavateľ: Technická univerzita v Košiciach. (abbreviation KVN)
Additional sources:
Gazzaniga M. (ed.): The New Cognitive Neurosciences. 2nd ed. MIT Press. 1999 (available electronically – upon request. Alternatively, for $15 you can get 5-days access and download whichever of more than 400 books available on CogNet. Printed version of the book is in my office)
Purves et al.: Neuroscience. 2nd ed., Sinauer Associates, 1991 (available in fulltext electronically. It is not possible to orient in the book from the contents but you can view the contents and then search for the title of the chapter)
Dayan P and LF Abbott: Theoretical Neuroscience – Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems. MIT Press, 2001 (further referred to as TN, available electronically)
Gerstner et al.: Neuronal Dynamics: From single neurons to networks and models of cognition. Camb Univ Press 2014 (free online).
Stillings et al.: Cognitive Science: An Introduction, 2nd ed., MIT Press, 1995 (referred to as CSAI, available electronically)
Wilson RA a FC Keil: The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. MIT Press, 1999 (MITECS available electronically)
Rybár J, Beňušková Ľ a Kvasnička V: Kognitívne vedy. Kalligram, 2002 (referred to as RKV, the copy is in my office)
Posner, M: Foundations of Cognitive Science. MIT Press, 1989 (the copy is in my office)
Kandel ER, Schwartz JH a TM Jessell: Principles of Neural Science. McGraw -Hill, 2000 (the copy is in my office)
Novák M, Faber J a O Kufudaki: Neuronové sítě a informační systémy živých organismů. Grada, 1993 (referred to as NS, available electronically)
Marek Dobeš: Základy neuropsychológie.(available electronically)
Levine DS: Introduction to neural and cognitive modeling. Lawrence Erlbaum 1991 (the copy is in my office)
Hertz J, Krogh A and Palmer RG: Introduction to the theory of neural computation. Addison-Wesley 1991 (HKP, the copy is in my office)
Kopčo Norbert (2011) Výpočtová a kognitívna neuroveda (Návody na cvičenia), Vydavateľ: Technická univerzita v Košiciach.
Kvasnička V and Clementis L (2014) Kognitívna veda v kontexte informatických vied. Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave
As your project you have the following options:
– watch at least 5 lectures of your choice from the MIT AI class (one per week) and write a summary of each lecture watched (around 500 words) with your personal commentary on it
– work on 4 VKN1 assignments of your choice (see section labs),
– work on a project on a topic from the VKN1 class (see the VKN web). Detailed information regarding projects class can be found here.
– choose a topic of your choice in AI (e.g., from the MIT class that has a problem set and write a detailed review on the topic and do the MIT problem set on it)
Schedule and grading:
Week 4: Approved topic of the project (20% of the grade). Each group will write what topic they have chosen and what sources they plan to use. Only when I approve the topic you can work on it.
Week 8: project submitted (80% of the grade)
Schedule of lectures:
Week 1: 10.2. Introduction to neuroscience and cognitive science (slides in PDF EN; SK; animations/demos mentioned in the lectures are available in protected folder)
Structure of the class and requirements, What is neuroscience, What is cognitive psychology and cognitive science,
What is computational neuroscience and neural modeling, Examples of neural models at different levels
Literature: KVN (Chapter 1 Introduction, possibly also Chapter 2), TN (Preface), Preface to RKV, Chapter by M. Dobeš about Cognitive psychology, CSAI chapter 1 (possibly also chapters 2 a 3)
Week 2: 17.2. Overview of the anatomy and of the functions of central nervous system (CNS) (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Overview of the anatomy, functions and historical theories about CNS funtioning. Introduction to mathematical methods of modeling of neurophysiological data.
Literature: KVN (Chapters 2,3), NS (pages 19-35, 142-150), PNS (Chapters 1 and 19),
R. Wessel, C. Koch, F. Gabbiani (1996) Coding of time-varying electric field amplitude modulations in a wave-type electric fish. J Neurophysiol 75:2280-93 (1996),
Daugman J (2001) “Brain metaphor and brain theory.”
Additional literature:
Web book Neuroscience: The Organization of the Nervous System, Neural Systems, The Subdivisions of the Central Nervous System
PNS (Chapter 1 The brain and behavior and 19 Integration of sensory and motor function)
Hubel DH and Wiesel TN (1959) Receptive fields of single neurones in the cat’s striate cortex. The Journal of Physiology 148, 574–591
DENISE GELLENE David Hubel, Nobel-Winning Scientist, Dies at 87, New York Times
Week 3: 24.2. Methods of study in neuroscience. Sensory, motor and association brain areas. (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Literature: NS (Chapter 1 Mozek a metody zkoumani…)
Videos from the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the introduction of fMRI in cognitive neuroscience in 2016 containing also an explanation of the method
Demo Videos of Visual Cognitive Disordes including from Bob Rafal
Week 4: 3.3. Psychology of memory and learning (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Gluck MA, Myers CE (2000) Gateway to Memory. MIT Press. Chapter 2: Introduction
Corkin, S. (2002) What’s new with the amnesic patient H.M.? Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3, 153-160.
Articles related to current controversy about patient H.M.
New York Times, reaction of MIT BCS.
Christopher Nolan (2000) Memento. Quite interesting (action) movie about the man suffering from anterograde amnesia (he will lose the ability to remember anything new in long term)
Week 5: 10.3. Vision: Introduction. Perception of brightness, contours, color. BCS/FCS model. Perception of size and distance. (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Literature: CSAI chapters 12.1, 12.3, 12.5
Web: Flash demo with series of visual illusions and explanations what they tell us about processing of visual information in the brain (from University in Bangore, original link), Large collection of visual illusions IllusionWorks
Grossberg, S. and Todorovic, D. (1988). Neural dynamics of 1-D and 2-D brightness perception: A unified model of classical and recent phenomena.Perception & Psychophysics, 43, 241-277
Week 6: 17.3. In-class midterm exam
Week 7: 24.3. Hearing and auditory cognition (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Literature: Grantham, D.W. (1995). Spatial hearing and related phenomena. In B.C.J. Moore (ed.), Hearing. Academic: London, pp. 297-345
Hartman, W.M. (1999) How We Localize Sound. Physics Today.
Fechner GT (1860) Elements of psychophysics
Wilson RA a FC Keil (1999) The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. Keywords: „Auditory physiology:, „Audition“
Supplementary links:
Video introduction to auditory research our lab
Deutch D (2020) Musical Illusions and Phantom Words. Video presented at 2020 meeting of LA chapter of Acoustical Society of America.
Dr. William Brownell- ‘From Sound to Action Potentials – A Tour of the Inner Ear’ Association for Research in Otolaryngology seminar (abstract).
Auditory mailing-list’s list of CDs and webs with auditory demonstrations and illusions. We have plenty of them in the lab:
CD accompanying the book Brian_Moore__Perceptual_consequences_of_cochlear_damage, Diana_Deutsch_Musical_Illusions_And_Paradoxes, Duda_Auditory_localization_demonstrations, Houtsma_Auditory_demonstrations (some available here)
Week 8: 31.3. Language, psycholinguistics, production and perception of speech. (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Literature: CSAI chapter 6, MITECS keywords Speech processing, RKN chapter 4.
Gick B & Derrick D Aero-tactile integration in speech perception. Nature 462, 502-504.
Week 8: 31.3. Attention (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Literature: Pashler HE (1997) Psychology of Attention. MIT Press. Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: Selective attention.
Behrmann, M. & Haimson, C. (1999) The cognitive neuroscience of visual attention. Curr Opin Neurobiol 9, 158-63
Parasuraman R (2000) The Attentive Brain. Kapitola 1: The attentive brain: Issues and prospects. MIT Press.
Michael Posner on the anatomy of attentional networks – a historical perspective (Youtube video)
Kopčo, N, A Ler, and B Shinn-Cunningham (2001). “Effect of auditory cuing on azimuthal localization accuracy,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 109(5), 2377 ( poster in PDF)
Zatorre RJ, Mondor TA and Evans AC (1999) Auditory Attention to Space and Frequency Activates Similar Cerebral Systems. NeuroImage 10:544-554
James W. (1890) The Principles of Psychology. Chapter 11: Attention.
Lavanya Viswanathan and Ennio Mingolla Attention in Depth
Rensink’s demos of the „change blindness“ effect
Phylishin Z (2000) Situating vision in the world. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 4(5):197-207.
Web: Demos of visual attention from Visual Attention Lab at Rutgers.
DVD demos in the lab: Visual Awareness Demonstrations from Dan Simons lab
Week 9: 7.4. Crossmodal interactions (hearing, vision, touch). (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Web: Seeing through Sound.
Talk: Amedi A (2022) Healing the brain via Multisensory technologies and using these technologies to better understand the brain
Bor et al. (2014) Adults Can Be Trained to Acquire Synesthetic Experiences. Nature Scientific Reports, 4, Article number: 7089
Additional literature: Our paper about crossmodal interactions / ventriloquism effect in humans and apes:
Kopco, N, I-F Lin, BG Shinn-Cunningham, and JM Groh (2009). Reference frame of the ventriloquism aftereffect. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(44):13809-13814
Kopčo N, Lokša P, Lin I-F, Groh J, Shinn-Cunningham B (2019). Hemisphere-Specific Properties of the Ventriloquism Aftereffect. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146, EL177 14: combined w/
If we manage to fit it in: Other topics of study of brain and mind (consciousness, emotions, motivation, decision making, reasoning) or Advanced topics in Cognitive science
Literature: Keyword Emotions from Purves et al.: Neuroscience.
PICARD, R. W. (1997) Affective Computing. The MIT Press.
Chapter by M. Dobeš about Cognitive psychology
Week 10: 14.4. In-class final exam
Schedule of Exams
(individually scheduled with TF)
SEE ABOVE (THIS IS NOT VALID: Week 5: written exam 1 (covering lectures 1-5)
SEE ABOVE (THIS IS NOT VALID: Week 9: written exam 2 (covering lectures 6-9),
submit the project,
finalizing the grading
Useful links (if you find other useful links, you can send them to me)
World organizations: Cognitive neuroscience society, Cognitive science society, Society for neuroscience, Human Brain Mapping, auditory and multimodal: Association for research in otolaryngology, Acoustical Society of America, European Acoustics Association, International Multisensory Research Forum
Slovak/czech/central-european related links: Cognitive science at UKom (+ with Vienna / BP / Ljublana), Neuroscience at Neurobio institute at SAV KE (also at Institute of social sciences and Institute of expermental physics) KE, Conference Cognition and artificial life,, Society for cognitive science and philosophy.
Neuroscience in general: facts and figures, more facts, biophysics, Nobel prizes, simulator of Goldmann’s equation, electrophysiology,
Hearing: EarLab
Vision: spatiotemporal receptive fields in LGN and V1, sensitivity to orientation
Neuroanatomy: 3D anatomy of the brain, brain museum, brain anatomy
Modeling: overview of the simulation software, Genesis, The Virtual Brain, Two Ears
Guide to MATLAB/ OCTAVE (free software compatible with MATLAB): interactive introduction to MATLAB Onramp (click on the image in the section “Learn Interactively”), original documentation, video Getting started, short intro in czech language, from MIT in english.
Mathematics: statistics (in slovak), MathWorld, Numerical recipes
Language hints: Short dictionary of slovak language, Medical dictionary (in czech), English-czech medical dictionary (not always available)
Interviews and popularization lectures: Fresh Air with Oliver Sacks (author of the book The man who mistook his wife for a hat)
– First, a correction: the lectures are 15:20 – 16:50
– Attendance: Attendance at the lectures will be monitored and it will constitute a part of your final grade.
Also, you did not respond about attending the skype lecture in the classroom vs. individually (eg from home) – as requested below.. We will be prepared for both options tomorrow.
– Lecture 1 is now available below. Also, see the readings for the lecture.
First lecture will take place on Thursday, 29 Feb at 15:2040 via skype (at the above link)
For various reasons (mainly since I originally had external speakers to cover AI topics that are unable to present their lectures) the class will be focused on Cognitive Science and you will have an opportunity to work on AI topics individually as part of your project within the class. Also, the class was originally scheduled for 9 lectures because of shortened semester for 2nd year MSc students. So, there are fewer lectures.
– there will be 10 lectures focused on Cognitive Science (it will be a selection of the Computational & Cognitive Neuroscience lectures (VKN1) lectures from – the web also has a Slovak version),
– there will be 2 IN PERSON written exams (midterm and final) scheduled for the weeks 8 and 14 (covering the material in the lectures for the first and second half of the semester)
– there are no labs (cvicenia) for AICS, so we will skip the UNV/VKN1 assignments (but, if you want to work on them individually, that is encouraged – as one option of your project)
– you will individually work on one project during the semester. The project options are described below in the section Projects.
– let us know whether you will be joining the class in person (i.e., in a classroom with the teaching assistant, who will broadcast me via skype) or individually via skype. The first option is preferred, also because there will be several in-person lectures when I’m in Kosice again in April.
The lectures will be in English (and you can ask questions in Slovak). Your projects will have to be in English so that Myroslav/Udbhav can grade them. You can write your exam or study the lectures in Slovak. You can always write / ask in Slovak.
– Lecture 4 slides are online. We will meet tomorrow via skype and try to catch up on L3 as well.
– we are organizing a workshop in April that we encourage you to attend (insteaed of the lecture for that week)
– project proposal was due last week – none received
– midterm exam in 2 weeks instead of lecture
– Lecture 3 slides are online. We will meet tomorrow via skype and try to catch up on L2 as well as L3.
– we are organizing a workshop in April that we encourage you to attend (insteaed of the lecture for that week)
– project proposal in week 5 – tomorrow
– Lecture 2 is now online. But, since 2 of you are not going to be able to attend, we will meet next week and combine it with Lecture 3 and try to catch up.
– we are organizing a workshop in April that we encourage you to attend
– project proposal in week 5
– Lecture 5 slides are online. We will meet tomorrow via skype and try to catch up on L4 as well.
– we are organizing a workshop in April that we encourage you to attend (insteaed of the lecture for that week)
– project proposal comments were sent
– next week, in-person midterm exam instead of lecture
– Week 9 slides are online. We will meet tomorrow IN PERSON IN SJ0S15 (unless there are issues with this – we can also do skype).
– Week 10 there will be no lecture. We are organizing a workshop Apr 15-17 you should attend (at least a part of) instead
– mid-term exam has been graded. We’ll share the results soon
– Week 11 Thursday has Wednesday schedule. Can we still have the class? (discuss tomorrow)
– Week 11 slides (Attention) are online. We will meet tomorrow via skype.
– the projects are due in 1 week.
– final exam in 2 weeks
– 5% credit for future willingness to participate in our experiments
– we agreed that the project submission deadline is shifted by 1 week, so 2 weeks from now
– recording of today’s lecture is available in skype
– we are delayed by 1 week but that’s OK because the final two lectures can be combined (workshop attendance?)
– so Week 10 slides (Language) are online. We will meet tomorrow IN PERSON IN SJ0S15.
– mid-term results have been shared
– project should be submitted by next week (unless we agree otherwise)
– final exam will be in class in Week 14
– student evaluations of the class can be done at
prejsť na slovenčinu / predmet UNV
AICS: Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science
UIKV: Umelá inteligencia a kognitívne vedy
Ústav informatiky, Prírodovedecká fakulta
UPJŠ Košice
Summer semester 2024
Lecturer: Norbert Kopčo,, Jesenná 5, room T2.16, tel. 234 2450
Teaching assistants: Myroslav Fedorenko and Udbhav Singhal, Jesenná 5, PCL lab (2nd floor).
Lectures: Thursdays 15:40-16:10 in SJ0S15 via skype
Labs/Cvičenia: no labs are scheduled. the labs will be in the form of individual consultations (upon request).
NEWS AND UPDATES (for old updates, scroll to the end of page)
First lecture will take place on Thursday, 29 Feb at 15:40 via skype (at the above link)
For various reasons (mainly since I originally had external speakers to cover AI topics that are unable to present their lectures) the class will be focused on Cognitive Science and you will have an opportunity to work on AI topics individually as part of your project within the class. Also, the class was originally scheduled for 9 lectures because of shortened semester for 2nd year MSc students. So, there are fewer lectures.
– there will be 10 lectures focused on Cognitive Science (it will be a selection of the Compuptational & Cognitive Neuroscience lectures (VKN1) lectures from – the web also has a Slovak version),
– there will be 2 IN PERSON written exams (midterm and final) scheduled for the weeks 8 and 14 (covering the material in the lectures for the first and second half of the semester)
– there are no labs (cvicenia) for AICS, so we will skip the UNV/VKN1 assignments (but, if you want to work on them individually, that is encouraged – as one option of your project)
– you will individually work on one project during the semester. The project options are described below in the section Projects.
– let us know whether you will be joining the class in person (i.e., in a classroom with the teaching assistant, who will broadcast me via skype) or individually via skype. The first option is preferred, also because there will be several in-person lectures when I’m in Kosice again in April.
The lectures will be in English (and you can ask questions in Slovak). Your projects will have to be in English so that Myroslav/Udbhav can grade them. You can write your exam or study the lectures in Slovak. You can always write / ask in Slovak.
Class contents
Overview of the anatomy, physiology and cognitive processes in the human brain and mind. Description of neural centers and mechanisms underlying some cortical functions (e.g., visual, auditory and sensorimotor cortex, learning and memory). Basic physiological, psychophysical and computational methods used in cognitive neuroscience with emphasis on the application of computational methods in neurophysiological measurements and in the imaging of brain activity (e.g. magnetic resonance). Technical applications of neurocognitive research.
Class contents
Overview of the anatomy, physiology and cognitive processes in the human brain and mind. Description of neural centers and mechanisms underlying some cortical functions (e.g., visual, auditory and sensorimotor cortex, learning and memory). Basic physiological, psychophysical and
– basics of biology, chemistry, physics
– linear algebra and differential equations
– knowledge of MATLAB or OCTAVE or willingness to learn
Class philosophy and student’s work
The 2021 edition of the class will cover cognitive science lectures from the Intro to Neuroscience class + individual student work in AI. It will be shortened to 9 weeks.
The emphasis will be on individual work during the semester. Attendance at lectures is very important (and will be monitored using an attendance sheet). During the semester there will be two compulsory written exams, one in the middle (midterm exam) and one at the end of the semester (final exam). Another requirement is to work on a project (essay, model, small experiment, AI project). Based on the points obtained by a student for the project and written exams, a final overall grade will be proposed after the final exam on the final week of classes. Those who want to improve their grade will have an opportunity to sign up for an additional exam (assuming they passed the course / ak dostali zápočet).
Contribution of the individual tasks to the final grade:
– active participation at the lectures 10%
– project 20%
– midterm exam 35%
– final exam 35%
– extra: 5% of the grade can be earned by the participation on the experiments in the Laboratory of perception and cognition. We will keep you informed about the options.
Penalty in grading and ethics
The number of points earned for projects is reduced by 20% of the maximum value for the project with each week of delay (i.e., you do not have to bother at all after 5 weeks). Delay begins to count on the day following the labs during which the project was supposed to be submitted. Each project, and essay should reflect the work and knowledge of the person who is stated as the author.
(some texts are available in the electronic form in this folder, accessible with the password mentioned at the lecture)
Primary source of information are the PDF slides of lectures and the book (in Slovak)
Kopčo Norbert (2011) Výpočtová neuroveda (Úvod do modelovania neurofyziologických a behaviorálnych dát), Vydavateľ: Technická univerzita v Košiciach. (abbreviation KVN)
Additional sources:
Gazzaniga M. (ed.): The New Cognitive Neurosciences. 2nd ed. MIT Press. 1999 (available electronically – upon request. Alternatively, for $15 you can get 5-days access and download whichever of more than 400 books available on CogNet. Printed version of the book is in my office)
Purves et al.: Neuroscience. 2nd ed., Sinauer Associates, 1991 (available in fulltext electronically. It is not possible to orient in the book from the contents but you can view the contents and then search for the title of the chapter)
Dayan P and LF Abbott: Theoretical Neuroscience – Computational and Mathematical Modeling of Neural Systems. MIT Press, 2001 (further referred to as TN, available electronically)
Gerstner et al.: Neuronal Dynamics: From single neurons to networks and models of cognition. Camb Univ Press 2014 (free online).
Stillings et al.: Cognitive Science: An Introduction, 2nd ed., MIT Press, 1995 (referred to as CSAI, available electronically)
Wilson RA a FC Keil: The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. MIT Press, 1999 (MITECS available electronically)
Rybár J, Beňušková Ľ a Kvasnička V: Kognitívne vedy. Kalligram, 2002 (referred to as RKV, the copy is in my office)
Posner, M: Foundations of Cognitive Science. MIT Press, 1989 (the copy is in my office)
Kandel ER, Schwartz JH a TM Jessell: Principles of Neural Science. McGraw -Hill, 2000 (the copy is in my office)
Novák M, Faber J a O Kufudaki: Neuronové sítě a informační systémy živých organismů. Grada, 1993 (referred to as NS, available electronically)
Marek Dobeš: Základy neuropsychológie.(available electronically)
Levine DS: Introduction to neural and cognitive modeling. Lawrence Erlbaum 1991 (the copy is in my office)
Hertz J, Krogh A and Palmer RG: Introduction to the theory of neural computation. Addison-Wesley 1991 (HKP, the copy is in my office)
Kopčo Norbert (2011) Výpočtová a kognitívna neuroveda (Návody na cvičenia), Vydavateľ: Technická univerzita v Košiciach.
Kvasnička V and Clementis L (2014) Kognitívna veda v kontexte informatických vied. Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave
As your project you have the following options:
– watch at least 5 lectures of your choice from the MIT AI class (one per week) and write a summary of each lecture watched (around 500 words) with your personal commentary on it
– work on 4 VKN1 assignments of your choice (see section labs),
– work on a project on a topic from the VKN1 class (see the VKN web). Detailed information regarding projects class can be found here.
– choose a topic of your choice in AI (e.g., from the MIT class that has a problem set and write a detailed review on the topic and do the MIT problem set on it)
Schedule and grading:
Week 5: Approved topic of the project (20% of the grade). Each group will write what topic they have chosen and what sources they plan to use. Only when I approve the topic you can work on it.
Week 11: project submitted (80% of the grade)
Schedule of lectures:
Week 1&2 skipped
Week 3: 29.2. Introduction to neuroscience and cognitive science (slides in PDF EN; SK; animations/demos mentioned in the lectures are available in protected folder)
Structure of the class and requirements, What is neuroscience, What is cognitive psychology and cognitive science,
What is computational neuroscience and neural modeling, Examples of neural models at different levels
Literature: KVN (Chapter 1 Introduction, possibly also Chapter 2), TN (Preface), Preface to RKV, Chapter by M. Dobeš about Cognitive psychology, CSAI chapter 1 (possibly also chapters 2 a 3)
Week 4: 7.3. Overview of the anatomy and of the functions of central nervous system (CNS) (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Overview of the anatomy, functions and historical theories about CNS funtioning. Introduction to mathematical methods of modeling of neurophysiological data.
Literature: KVN (Chapters 2,3), NS (pages 19-35, 142-150), PNS (Chapters 1 and 19),
R. Wessel, C. Koch, F. Gabbiani (1996) Coding of time-varying electric field amplitude modulations in a wave-type electric fish. J Neurophysiol 75:2280-93 (1996),
Daugman J (2001) “Brain metaphor and brain theory.”
Additional literature:
Web book Neuroscience: The Organization of the Nervous System, Neural Systems, The Subdivisions of the Central Nervous System
PNS (Chapter 1 The brain and behavior and 19 Integration of sensory and motor function)
Hubel DH and Wiesel TN (1959) Receptive fields of single neurones in the cat’s striate cortex. The Journal of Physiology 148, 574–591
DENISE GELLENE David Hubel, Nobel-Winning Scientist, Dies at 87, New York Times
Week 5: 14.3. Methods of study in neuroscience. Sensory, motor and association brain areas. (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Literature: NS (Chapter 1 Mozek a metody zkoumani…)
Videos from the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the introduction of fMRI in cognitive neuroscience in 2016 containing also an explanation of the method
Demo Videos of Visual Cognitive Disordes including from Bob Rafal
Week 6: 21.3. Psychology of memory and learning (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Gluck MA, Myers CE (2000) Gateway to Memory. MIT Press. Chapter 2: Introduction
Corkin, S. (2002) What’s new with the amnesic patient H.M.? Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3, 153-160.
Articles related to current controversy about patient H.M.
New York Times, reaction of MIT BCS.
Christopher Nolan (2000) Memento. Quite interesting (action) movie about the man suffering from anterograde amnesia (he will lose the ability to remember anything new in long term)
Week 7: 28.3. Vision: Introduction. Perception of brightness, contours, color. BCS/FCS model. Perception of size and distance. (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Literature: CSAI chapters 12.1, 12.3, 12.5
Web: Flash demo with series of visual illusions and explanations what they tell us about processing of visual information in the brain (from University in Bangore, original link), Large collection of visual illusions IllusionWorks
Grossberg, S. and Todorovic, D. (1988). Neural dynamics of 1-D and 2-D brightness perception: A unified model of classical and recent phenomena.Perception & Psychophysics, 43, 241-277
Week 8: 4.4. In-class midterm exam
Week 9: 11.4. Hearing and auditory cognition (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Literature: Grantham, D.W. (1995). Spatial hearing and related phenomena. In B.C.J. Moore (ed.), Hearing. Academic: London, pp. 297-345
Hartman, W.M. (1999) How We Localize Sound. Physics Today.
Fechner GT (1860) Elements of psychophysics
Wilson RA a FC Keil (1999) The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. Keywords: „Auditory physiology:, „Audition“
Supplementary links:
Video introduction to auditory research our lab
Deutch D (2020) Musical Illusions and Phantom Words. Video presented at 2020 meeting of LA chapter of Acoustical Society of America.
Dr. William Brownell- ‘From Sound to Action Potentials – A Tour of the Inner Ear’ Association for Research in Otolaryngology seminar (abstract).
Auditory mailing-list’s list of CDs and webs with auditory demonstrations and illusions. We have plenty of them in the lab:
CD accompanying the book Brian_Moore__Perceptual_consequences_of_cochlear_damage, Diana_Deutsch_Musical_Illusions_And_Paradoxes, Duda_Auditory_localization_demonstrations, Houtsma_Auditory_demonstrations (some available here)
Week 10: 18.4. Language, psycholinguistics, production and perception of speech. (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Literature: CSAI chapter 6, MITECS keywords Speech processing, RKN chapter 4.
Gick B & Derrick D Aero-tactile integration in speech perception. Nature 462, 502-504.
Week 11: 25.4. Attention (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Literature: Pashler HE (1997) Psychology of Attention. MIT Press. Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 2: Selective attention.
Behrmann, M. & Haimson, C. (1999) The cognitive neuroscience of visual attention. Curr Opin Neurobiol 9, 158-63
Parasuraman R (2000) The Attentive Brain. Kapitola 1: The attentive brain: Issues and prospects. MIT Press.
Michael Posner on the anatomy of attentional networks – a historical perspective (Youtube video)
Kopčo, N, A Ler, and B Shinn-Cunningham (2001). “Effect of auditory cuing on azimuthal localization accuracy,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 109(5), 2377 ( poster in PDF)
Zatorre RJ, Mondor TA and Evans AC (1999) Auditory Attention to Space and Frequency Activates Similar Cerebral Systems. NeuroImage 10:544-554
James W. (1890) The Principles of Psychology. Chapter 11: Attention.
Lavanya Viswanathan and Ennio Mingolla Attention in Depth
Rensink’s demos of the „change blindness“ effect
Phylishin Z (2000) Situating vision in the world. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. 4(5):197-207.
Web: Demos of visual attention from Visual Attention Lab at Rutgers.
DVD demos in the lab: Visual Awareness Demonstrations from Dan Simons lab
Week 12: 2.5. Crossmodal interactions (hearing, vision, touch). (slides in PDF EN, SK)
Web: Seeing through Sound.
Talk: Amedi A (2022) Healing the brain via Multisensory technologies and using these technologies to better understand the brain
Bor et al. (2014) Adults Can Be Trained to Acquire Synesthetic Experiences. Nature Scientific Reports, 4, Article number: 7089
Additional literature: Our paper about crossmodal interactions / ventriloquism effect in humans and apes:
Kopco, N, I-F Lin, BG Shinn-Cunningham, and JM Groh (2009). Reference frame of the ventriloquism aftereffect. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(44):13809-13814
Kopčo N, Lokša P, Lin I-F, Groh J, Shinn-Cunningham B (2019). Hemisphere-Specific Properties of the Ventriloquism Aftereffect. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 146, EL177 14: combined w/
Week 13: 9.5. Other topics of study of brain and mind (consciousness, emotions, motivation, decision making, reasoning) or Advanced topics in Cognitive science
Literature: Keyword Emotions from Purves et al.: Neuroscience.
PICARD, R. W. (1997) Affective Computing. The MIT Press.
Chapter by M. Dobeš about Cognitive psychology
Week 14: 16.5. In-class final exam
Schedule of Exams
(individually scheduled with TF)
Week 5: written exam 1 (covering lectures 1-5)
Week 9: written exam 2 (covering lectures 6-9),
submit the project,
finalizing the grading
Useful links (if you find other useful links, you can send them to me)
World organizations: Cognitive neuroscience society, Cognitive science society, Society for neuroscience, Human Brain Mapping, auditory and multimodal: Association for research in otolaryngology, Acoustical Society of America, European Acoustics Association, International Multisensory Research Forum
Slovak/czech/central-european related links: Cognitive science at UKom (+ with Vienna / BP / Ljublana), Neuroscience at Neurobio institute at SAV KE (also at Institute of social sciences and Institute of expermental physics) KE, Conference Cognition and artificial life,, Society for cognitive science and philosophy.
Neuroscience in general: facts and figures, more facts, biophysics, Nobel prizes, simulator of Goldmann’s equation, electrophysiology,
Hearing: EarLab
Vision: spatiotemporal receptive fields in LGN and V1, sensitivity to orientation
Neuroanatomy: 3D anatomy of the brain, brain museum, brain anatomy
Modeling: overview of the simulation software, Genesis, The Virtual Brain, Two Ears
Guide to MATLAB/ OCTAVE (free software compatible with MATLAB): interactive introduction to MATLAB Onramp (click on the image in the section “Learn Interactively”), original documentation, video Getting started, short intro in czech language, from MIT in english.
Mathematics: statistics (in slovak), MathWorld, Numerical recipes
Language hints: Short dictionary of slovak language, Medical dictionary (in czech), English-czech medical dictionary (not always available)
Interviews and popularization lectures: Fresh Air with Oliver Sacks (author of the book The man who mistook his wife for a hat)