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Current Grants:

VIMOD: Virtualization and Modeling in Spatial Hearing (Agentúra na podporu výskumu a vývoja; SK-AT-23-0002; 01/07/2024 – 30/06/2026)

VRAI: Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence in Auditory Perception (APVV-23-0054; 01/07/2024 – 30/06/2028)

SAV: Spatial Audio Virtualization and Gamification for Hearing Assessment and Enhancement (European Research Executive Agency; HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01)

Computational assessment of plasticity in spatial hearing (Science Grant Agency of the Slovak Rep. VEGA 1/0350/22, 2022-24).

Born2Hear: Development and Adaptation of Auditory Spatial Processing Across the Human Lifespan (N Kopco – collaborator; Austrian Science Fund FWF, I 4294-B and NKFIH, 2020-24)

Past Grants:

Spatial hearing and virtual reality: workshop and research Fulbright Specialist Program grant to host a specialist from the US (May 2022; postponed to May 2024).

ASH: Adaptability in spatial hearing (EU Danube Region Strategy & The Slovak Research and Development Agency DS-FR-19-0025;  2020-21 extended to 12/2022)

Mechanisms of auditory spatial and attention processing: experiments, oscillations, computational models and analytical methods (Science Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic VEGA 1/0355/20, 2020-22)

MIPA: Multi-Variate Neural Image Pattern Analysis of Auditory Cortical Processing (VVGS UPJS VVGS-2020-1514; 07/2020-06/2021)

ALT – Adaptation, learning and training for spatial hearing in complex environments (EU Horizon 2020 MSCA-RISE-2015 program).

SPACI: Plasticity of spatial processing in normal and cochlear implant hearing (APVV – DS 2016 – EU Danube Region Strategy (web archive) & The Slovak Research and Development Agency; 01/2017-12/2018).

TINNET: An Action for Better Understanding the Heterogeneity of Tinnitus to Improve and Develop New Treatments (European research network funded by the COST program under the Action number BM1306).

Dynamic processes in spatial hearing: Experiments, modeling, and analytical tools (Vedecka grantova agentura MS Slovak Rep. VEGA 1/1011/16, 2016-18).

University Science Park Technicom TECHNICOM (EU Structural Funds, OP Research and Development; our budget 313k EUR; total 39mil EUR, 2013-16) (info v slovenčine).

SPATT – Spatial Attention and Listening in Complex Environments (APVV-0452-12 – The Slovak Research and Development Agency; 90k EUR) 10/2013-9/2017.

Fostering Excellence in Multiscale Cell Imaging CELIM (7FP EU Regional Potential #316310; our budget 60k EUR, total 3mil EUR, 2013-16) (info v slovenčine).

SOFOS – knowledge and skill development of the academic staff and students at the University of Pavol Jozef Safarik in Kosice with emphasis on interdisciplinary competencies and integration into international research centres, ITMS: 26110230088, supported by the Research & Development Operational Programme funded by the ESF (our budget 167k EUR; total 2.2mill EUR, 2013-15).

Computational models and analytical tools for the study of spatial hearing (Vedecka grantova agentura MS Slovak Rep. VEGA 1/0492/12, 2013-15).

Learn 2 Hear & See: Perceptual, Contextual, and Cross-modal Learning in Hearing and Vision. Marie Curie Research Staff Exchange Scheme, 7th Framework Program of the European Union, Grant # 247543, 5/2010 – 4/2013.

Representation of sound-source distance in human auditory cortex (Narodny stipendijny program na podporu mobilit 2012).

Cognitive Science – Central-European interdisciplinary Master’s program Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Slovak Republic grant KEGA 3/7300/09 (2009-2011): (program coordinator University of Vienna, Slovak coordinator – Comenius University in Bratislava, co-PI NK).

APVV Slovak Agency for the Support of R&D 2009. Co-funding grant for 7th FP EU grants.

Contextual plasticity in spatial auditory maps (US National Institutes of Health – National Institutes of Deafness and Communication Disorders, Principal Investigator, B. Shinn-Cunningham, 7/06 – 6/09).

Crossmodal influences in perceptual learning National Stipend Program of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic (2009): Grant for a collaboration with University of California, Riverside.

Auditory spatial perception in real multi-source environments: experiments and models. Human Frontier Science Program HFSPO ST00080/2008-C (Sept – Dec 2008) Short-term fellowship for a collaboration stay at the University of Sydney.

Supplementary grant to complement the US NIH grant Contextual plasticity in spatial auditory maps Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic (2008).

Unimodal and crossmodal control of strategic attention: behavioral experiments and modeling (Slovak Scientific Grant Agency 1/06 – 12/08).

Auditory Neuroscience – Effect of amplitude modulation on the human ability to detect sounds masked by noise (NSF #DGE-0411582 (09/01/2004-12/31/2005) NSF postdoctoral fellowship for researchers from the NATO partner countries.

Neuroscience – Computation of sound source location in ordinary, reverberant spaces: Experiments and models (National Academy of Sciences Twinning grant for collaboration between USA and Slovakia 2003-2005).

Modeling of cognitive processing in biological and artificial systems (Slovak Scientific Grant Agency #1/1059/04 2004-2005).